Join our
Moonlight Walks
Join us for our Moonlight Walk on Tuesday 15th October. This year we are excited to be hosting this walk in two locations!
This is an opportunity for anybody who has ever been affected by the loss of a baby, to come together, shoulder to shoulder and mark the end of Baby Loss Awareness Week.
Plymouth Hoe
We will be meeting at the Theatre Royal at 6pm which will be lit in pink and blue, before heading towards Smeaton's Tower which will also be lit in these special colours.
We will head to the quiet garden for reflection, candles, and the Global Wave of Light at 7pm.
St Michael's Mount
Join us in the Marazion Folly Field long stay car park, TR17 0ET at 6:30pm to enjoy views of St Michael's Mount which will be lit up in pink and blue!
Bring your favourite candle and meet other parents and family members in the same position.

Join in where you can, switch it off when you can't...
We understand it can be a very triggering week for many. If you find it too overwhelming switch it off.
Have a social media detox that week and rest until it all passes.
Baby Loss Awareness Week is for the public. It's a prominent time for us to educate and raise awareness of the pain we face every single day of the year, not just during this week.
Allow us to break the taboo on your behalf and for your angel.
If you feel strong enough, we would love for you to get involved, to seek support or to find solitude, shoulder to shoulder with other parents and grandparents who 'get it.'
Take a look at our upcoming events during October.